Nuestros Sponsors

  • Bienvenidos al Club Europeo




Actividades de la subcomisión


De qué se trata:

Organizar actividades para expats para facilitar radicarse en Buenos Aires y Argentina socialmente y profesionalmente, difundir información relevante para expats sobre actividades del CE y ofrecer un espacio de integración cómoda  con los socios argentinos del CE

What is it about: the comission Expats organizes activities for expats to help them to integrate in Buenos Aires and Argentina socially and professionally. They are often joint activities with other commissions as they are equally suitable for Argentines and Expats, like the After Office, the Pub Quiz, Tourism and cultural activities and they provide a space for expats to integrate with Argentines of the same age and interests.

Frequent Questions:

Do you have to be a member of the Club Europeo to participate?
No, but the fee for the activity is higher.

As a non member, can I participate in the organization of events?
No, you have to be a member to organize events.

How do I get information about the events?
Check the homepage and the calender on the website of the Club Europeo, and subscribe to the newsletter. You can also like the Facebook page of the commission Expats.

Expats Facebook Page

Responsables de las Actividades

Elmer De Ronde