The Club Europeo was established in Buenos Aires on May 9th, 2003 by thirteen prestigious organizations of European origin. These thirteen were the Club Alemán en Buenos Aires, the Asociación Belga de Buenos Aires, the Club Francés, the Asociación Holandesa, the Club Danés, the Hurlingham Club, the Asociación Sueca, the Asociación Argentino Austríaca, the Club Español, the Círculo Italiano, the Federación de Entidades Húngaras en Argentina (F.E.H.R.A.), The Federación Pan-Helénica en Argentina and The Asociación Cultural Argentino Polaca.
In doing so, the founders laid the groundwork for an entirely new venture with its specific identity. They undertook to strenghten the ties between all involved, to stimulate communication among young people and to provide opportunities for the pursuit of talent.
The Club Europeo is located at Corrientes 327 (floors 20 to 22) in Buenos Aires. It has an excellent dining facility, a large bar and very comfortable rooms. The members can also use the facilities at the Club Francés, the Club Español, the Club Sueco, the Club Danés and the Círculo Italiano, which all have their restaurant and bar, meeting rooms and club rooms. In addition they can use the dining rooms , the bar and the spacious gardens of the suburban Hurlingham Club.
The Club Europeo has already concluded agreements with Clubs in Argentina and abroad. In Argentina, there are now agreements with the Centro Universitario de Aviación, the Círculo Militar, the Club Champagnat, the Club Suizo, the Rowing Club Argentino and the San Andrés Golf Club. Arrangements have also been made abroad with Clubs in Amsterdam, Hanoi and New York.
The Club Europeo is a meeting place between Europeans, Argentines and people of other nationalities. This creates a unique environment in Latin America and it is truly the first European Club in the world.
In our Club the members take centerstage. They can take initiatives in many areas, ranging from the arts to business, from the academic to the social and from charity to sports. The agenda of the Club is quite full with events like breakfasts with foreign ambassadors, wine-tastings, the European Universities Exhibition and Conference, after-office gatherings, meetings with expatriates,the social project, the Club’s Golf Cup, the Club’s Polo Cup, Art Exhibit and prizes for young artists, meetings with European leaders, and last but not least some of the best parties in the City. All this and more is done by the members for the members: that is how they put their ideas into practice and how they make a lively Club Europeo.